Photo of a bird in Jeju Island

Birdsong classifier - Which kind of Jeju bird are you?

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Jeju Island is a popular tourist destination in Korea famous for its pristine environment. It is also a beloved place for birdwatchers, and also the place where my grandparents lived.

This is a birdsong classifier that analyzes your voice and tells you which type of Jeju bird you are. Try whistling into the mic and mimic some bird sounds!

Bird species

There are currently 13 species available:


Searching bird audio files from Xeno-canto website
Search results of birdsongs from Jeju Island

Xeno-canto is a website where you can find birdsongs from different parts of the world. Using this website I was able to download birdsongs from 13 species of birds inhabiting in Jeju Island. I omitted some species because some of the uploaded audio files were too short for training.

Training a classifier

Training a birdsong classifier with Teachable Machine
Testing the model by whistling into the mic

Using Teachable Machine, I was able to train an audio classifier that classifies bird sounds from audio input.

Since Teachable Machine does not support uploading audio files directly, I extracted the audio samples by playing the audio files of 13 birdsongs manually.

To train the model, I also needed some background noise. I manually recorded some background noises from the birdsong audio files I downloaded from the website.

You can check out the trained model in this link.