Idea and prototype for a musical instrument for Physical Computing project 2

Prototype for Sound flowers


Original idea sketch of Sound Branches - which was not realized
Idea sketch for sound flower

Last time, I experimented with hitting different objects with a servo motor to produce different percussive sounds.

For the next project, I decided to push the idea further. This time, instead of having the servo motor make the sound, I wanted to make a instrument that the user can play directly. By using conductive materials in the instrument, I am planning to produce MIDI signals.

Physical prototype

Type A: Bell

Type A
shaking and hitting a chain to metal objects to make sounds

The first type of this prototype would be a shakable instrument that you hit on conductive materials. As you hit conductive materials with different levels of resistance, the contact will produce different levels of electronic signals. This will be converted into different MIDI sounds.

Type B: Branch

Type B
touching copper tape leaves to make sounds
shaking wire branches to make sounds

The second type of this instrument would be a branch-shaped instrument that you touch or shake. Copper tapes would be leaves and wires would be branches. By touching the copper leaves with your hand or shaking the branches, you will be able to produce different levels of electric resistance, thereby sending different signals to Arduino.