Manipulating pixels for ICM Week 8

Week 8: Manipulating Pixels

For the first week of ICM, we digged on pixels. I learned how the p5.Image object works - as an arrays of r,g,b and alpha. I also learned how to manipulate the p5.Image object in the pixel level.

1. Manipulating cat pixels

Manipulating cat picture by accessing the array of p5.Image object

The assignment was to 1)manipulate every other pixel, 2)make a 10-pixel width vertical line in the middle and 3)make a 10-pixel width horizontal line in the middle. Although using get() and set() functions inside p5 makes it much more easier, I accepted a challenge to manipulate the pixels without using get() or set().

It was the most tricky part in this week's assignment, because I had to consider the array size and image pixel size altogether. (I didn't know I had to think so hard for making a single vertical line.)

2. Black & White webcam mirror

Manipulating webcam pixels to black and white​ ​

Implementing this sketch was relatively easier than the first challenge. It works by drawing a bunch of rectangles, by incrementing the for loop by size of the desired pixel. Also, if the brightness of the pixel is lower than a certain threshold, the rectangle is filled black.

3. HSB color gradient

Drawing a 18-step HSB color gradient in p5

This lovely color gradient works by dividing the whole hue spectrum(360) by 18, and incrementing 20 (=360/18) degrees of hue each time.